Monday, November 4, 2019


Things could get interesting up Canada way.  Redacted Face barely won another term but without any support at all in two extremely important Western provinces.

If campaigners in oil-rich Alberta and other western Canadian provinces get their way, North America could be getting a new country. The separatist movement in the region, which has been on-again, off-again for almost a century, has been experiencing a resurgence since Prime Minister Justin Trudeau's Liberal Party was narrowly re-elected last month despite not winning a single seat in Alberta or Saskatchewan. At a "Wexit" rally in Edmonton on Saturday, separatist leader Peter Downing wore a "Make Alberta Great Again" hat as he explained the movement to the CBC. He cited anger at carbon taxes and a "direct attack on western Canadian industry."

Will anything come of this?  Probably not. 

No doubt the sentiment's there.  I once read an article quoting a western Canadian as saying something to the effect that western Americans understand us better than eastern Canadians do.  And the fact of the matter is that this continent is now and has always been divided wrong. 

But secesh talk is the easiest thing in the world. 

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