Tuesday, November 12, 2019


The Democrats can rest easier.

Deval Patrick, the former governor of Massachusetts, is considering jumping into the race for the Democratic nomination, according to two Associated Press sources.

Will Patrick get in the race?  Hard to say.  Would he have a chance if he did?  Nope.  Does the fact that Patrick's thinking about it indicate rather considerable Democratic qualms about either Cigar Store or Vladimir Ilyich Sanders ending up with the nomination?

I think there's a lot to that.

UPDATE: He's going for it.  You have to wonder what Cory and Cigar Store think.


  1. Deval's only doing this to get his name in the news again. it's already too late to jump in. He'll poll at 1% then drop out.

  2. What are his plans, TLM, that make him want his name in the news?

    And, assuming his presidential aspiration is real, which is a big assumption, what does he bring that Cory Booker doesn't?

  3. Katherine, He doesn't have any plans and even the Boston Glob (not a typo) is questioning his motives. Howard Dean is quoted today as saying the time to have done this was a year ago, and he (very correctly) asks how will Deval generate 25 million in campaign contributions in the next month? That being what he estimates as the minimum amount needed to get this thing off the ground. As far as being in the news, well, he's not governor any more, so he doesn't get his name in the papers every day. The answer to your third question: Nothing.
