Wednesday, November 13, 2019


From 2003, when Gene Robinson got his pointy hat and hooked stick, until 2008, when Rowan Williams gamed the Lambeth Conference with his Real African Word garbage in order to make sure that The Issue would never be directly addressed, I wrote extensively about the Anglican controversy.  Made what little Internet rep I have off of them and lost interest when it became apparent that Anglican "conservatives" were never going to do anything that might jeopardize their membership in a jen-yoo-wine Apostolic Tradition.TM

If you're interested, the Anglican Communion is still, eleven years on, pushing that Real African Word crap.  Here's how they define it (content edited slightly).

[Real African Word] begins with developing relationships. People are asked to discover one another’s context through conversations over meals, participating in worship in one another’s churches and exploring the Scriptures together. Participants honestly explore difference and disagreement, not seeking to change each others’ opinions. They commit to listen to one another, to pray and study Scripture and to participate in God’s mission together and are open to changing perceptions and a deeper commitment to Christ.

Which means yammering.  More yammering.  Still more yammering.  Repeat.

But I spent the first 48 of my 64 years in the Anglican Communion's pseudo-Christian American branch (just because Shriners wear fezzes doesn't make them Muslims) so I like to pop back every so often and see what those wacky Episcopalians are up to.  They're doing this in Boston.

Ayman Bassyouni arrives early at the Cathedral Church of St. Paul around noon each Friday to lay 15 rows of silk prayer rugs end to end on the sanctuary’s floor.

An Egyptian, Bassyouni regularly attends jumah, or Friday prayers, at the Episcopal cathedral. He is one of a few hundred men and a handful of women – mostly immigrants from North Africa, South and Southeast Asia, the Middle East and the Balkans – who pray there together.

In Islam, Friday is considered the sacred day of worship; ordinarily, Muslims pray five times a day, but on Friday, males are obliged to pray in congregation at midday.

The cathedral’s longstanding welcome of the Muslim community is one way it lives into its mission to be “a house of prayer for all people.” In the United States, where religious literacy is in decline but religion plays an increasing role in the cultural narrative, interfaith relationships build tolerance.

There's that phrase again.  "Lives into."  Hasn't lost its power to annoy the hell out of me.

Am I shocked?  I'm not even remotely surprised.  The Episcopal Organization (a term I didn't invent out of sense of whimsy) hasn't been seriously Christian for 60 years or so.  And if your "church" doesn't have any beliefs that it is not enthusiastically willing to negotiate away, this kind of nonsense should happen way more often than it does.

In other news, the Diocese of New York recently got a little virtue-signaling in which is always fun.  Its diocesan convention let its members do what Piskie liberals enjoy doing more than anything else in the world.  Repenting for sins that happened long before they were born.

At its annual convention on Nov. 8 and 9, the Diocese of New York established a task force to examine how it can make meaningful reparations for its participation in the slave trade and committed $1.1 million from its endowment to fund the efforts the task force recommends.

$1.1 million?  Really?  $1.1 million?  That's all?  I'm not terribly impressed.  On a bad day, you can find $1.1 million in Trinity-Wall Street's sofa cushions.

It also passed four resolutions condemning slavery, which had first been introduced by John Clarkson Jay – grandson of founding father John Jay, governor of New York and first chief justice of the Supreme Court – in 1860. At the time, the resolutions were met with fierce opposition from the clergy and laity, many of whom were still profiting from the slave trade, and they had been tabled indefinitely until now, according to the diocese.

The convention went on to pass a resolution thanking God that it is not as other men are.


  1. The garbage going on in Boston is thanks to a bunch of academics declaring Islam to be one of the three Abrahamic faiths. (I have discussed this at length with a Jewish friend & we both came up with -nah.)

    As for New York, you know it is going nowhere when they start with establishing a task force. Indaba will stop anything dead in its tracks, Right, Chris?

  2. That's what Dr. Williams intended for it to do. Endless talk and never EVER coming to a conclusion. When my gracious lord of Canterbury started pushing that concept, I knew that the Anglican game was over.

  3. Bring back Bishop Empty Coke Bottle!

  4. Once again confirming my 2003 departure from anything "Anglicanish" continuing or otherwise as the correct one.

  5. The Muslim call to prayer is anti-Christian, and the daily prayers contain repeated anti-Christian statements. The faith was begun in part as a way to be monotheistic but not like the Jews and Christians whom Muhammad both misunderstood and despised.

    I think we should all treat our Muslim neighbors and co-workers with the respect we would want for ourselves. Allowing them to pray non-Christian ritual prayers in Christian spaces is not neighborly. It displays ignorance of their religion and of ours.

  6. Katherine, the repeated daily prayer you refer to goes Guide us [to] the straight path. The path of those on whom you have bestowed your grace, not of those who earned [your] wrath [Jews], nor of those who have gone astray [Christians].

    Devout Muslims tell themselves this five times a day. Great starting point for inter-faith dialog, dontcha think?

  7. The cathedral in Boston has been "hosting" Islamic worship for years. They even installed some basins for "ritual foot bathing." It started back when Tommy Three-sticks was the bish. Alan, the current bish, seeems to be too spineless to do anything about it.

  8. Exactly, ur. I pray often for Muslims, that their eyes will be opened to see God as He really is, and not as their warped teaching describes Him. But I don't expect them to let me do it in their mosques.

  9. In Boston, the Muslims are just staking their claim on the cathedral and waiting for TEo to collapse and sell it to them for a mosque.
