Tuesday, November 12, 2019


Let me have "Things That Never Happened" for $2,000.

A first grader who reportedly asked her parents for an impeachment-themed birthday party led other children in a protest outside the White House on Saturday.

The Washington Post reported that dozens of children as young as seven years old joined Kiyoko Merolli on Saturday at her seventh birthday party outside the White House, where they held signs bearing positive messages such as "Batman 2020" and "I love cats" and were led by an activist in several chants.


  1. A first grader asking her parents for an impeachment themed birthday party? Wish I'd thought of that when I was 10 and Nixon was embroiled in Watergate... it could have been epic. :-) Seriously, "woke" children of preschool or primary grade age are about as genuine as vegan cats and dogs... you know who's really calling the shots there.

  2. So the parents stole their child's birthday celebration for political photos. Disgusting.

  3. These people give sweet, beautiful cats a bad name. Long hiss, sharp spit!

  4. Also, let the fantastic white cat sitting in the chair grimacing over a plate of vegetables respond to them, LOL. (Yes, I know that's just a processing-odd-smell face. But it cheeses off all the right people better if he's rejecting veggies.)
