Sunday, November 3, 2019


Since California is SO well-governed, let's have Sacramento take over the power company.

Gov. Gavin Newsom (D-Calif.) threatened Friday that the state of California could take over the Pacific Gas and Electric utility company if it does not pull itself out of bankruptcy by mid-2020.

"PG&E as we know it may or may not be able to figure this out. If they cannot, we are not going to sit around and be passive," Newsom said at a press conference. "If Pacific Gas and Electric is unable to secure its own fate and future ... then the state will prepare itself as backup for a scenario where we do that job for them."

Gav?  I love you, buddy, but I just can't see this idea working on any level above total disaster.


  1. As if the state hasn't been heavily involved in the mess already, with its green energy requirements and its prohibitions on clearing brush. What does Newsom think he's going to DO to fix the power company? In truth, he has no idea.

  2. In truth, he has no idea.

    I pray that the citizens of California figure that out sooner than later.

  3. It'll take a whole lot more than that to fix Cali, ur. Gav's not the problem out there, he's just a symptom of it.

  4. Meanwhile, a bit closer to home, we have Exelon -- the nation's largest utility company -- threatening to close 4 nuke plants in Illinois it doesn't get yet another bailout from the state... even though it's under federal investigation for its hinky lobbying activities and its CEO abruptly "retired" a few days ago. Although the situation isn't the same as in California (we don't have massive brush fires every year, thankfully) I can't help but wonder if rolling blackouts and third world power unreliability are not in our future as well. Another reason for Missouri to start building those refugee camps?

  5. We probably should, Elaine. Seems like it's going to start happening any day now.

  6. You have satisfactory municipal electric here there and the next place. Of course, they don't answer to California pols.

    I'd like the Wall built right around the California border.

  7. We already joke in our family that I need to take my passport when I go to visit my siblings in that foreign country, California.

    Elaine S., why would Exelon need a subsidy for the nuclear plants? Cheapest, most reliable power around.

  8. Why would Exelon need subsidies for the nuke plants? I'm not sure why, but for some reason every time they say jump, the IL General Assembly says "how high?"

  9. Maybe Illinois will be like Germany, which shut down all its nuke plants to be "green," and which now has some of the highest energy prices in Europe. Pistol, foot, shoot.

  10. The current meme over on Facebook is the "Sure fire pickup line in California."

    Man: "I have electricity."

    Woman: "Well, hellooooo!"

  11. Cheapest, most reliable power around.

    Not my business, but don't think this is the case.
