Wednesday, November 27, 2019


Been there.

When I was still working at the Webster Groves, Missouri Public Library, one day I came out and sat behind the reference desk for my usual 4:30 to closing shift.  Not long after that, I heard the loudest noise I ever heard in that building and I had no idea what it was.  I thought a shelf had fallen over or something and I just prayed that no one was beneath it. 

Turns out that some poor kid driving down Sylvester Avenue had gone into diabetic shock, his now-driverless car had crossed a very busy Lockwood Avenue, come up the library's front walkway, slammed into one of the pillars in front of our building and cracked it in several pieces.

How that car at that time of the day didn't kill somebody proves the existence of God.

Anyway, the kid turned out to be all right.  And there was actually a company, in Indiana, if I recall correctly, that could replace stone pillars in front of buildings.  So the library got in touch with them, they came out, did measurements, took pictures and everything was put in motion.

Eventually the company delivered the new pillar and went to put it in. 

Only to find out that it was too tall.

True story.

They eventually replaced it with one that did fit.


  1. Errr, because in addition to taking pix of the column, they didn't also measure it?

  2. I thought they did. Maybe somebody entered a number wrong or something. In any event, it amused the hell out of us for a long time. Still does, at least to me.
