Monday, December 9, 2019


What is it about working for CNN that turns so many formerly-interesting people into corporate zombies?  Jake Tapper, Mandy Carpenter and now Skup.

Just when you thought that CNN's many hosts couldn't possibly become even more anti-Trump, S.E. Cupp writes on Twitter that she is confident that Donald Trump will demand a "third term" as president. Amazingly, she does this while simultaneously attacking former New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg, whom she apparently also hates.

"Remember when Bloomberg demanded a third term as mayor and got it?" Cupp asks her followers. "Trump will do the same. Beware, the same autocratic impulses..."


  1. Isn't that a tacit admission that he will win 2020? Wouldn't time be better spent on Russian bots 2.0?

  2. The problem with leftists in general is that they don't have any loyalty to the US Constitution. This means they can imagine all kinds of blatantly unconstitutional plans, and promote ones that Obama enacted improperly with executive orders.

  3. There's a lot of problems with leftists, some of which are inability to think logically, failure to understand the Constitution (largely because they haven't even read it), and an inability to civilly disagree with others, so they often hold wildly contradictory opinions, display a lack of common sense and are ill-informed regarding money (and other) matters, and will immediately stoop to ad hominems in any discussion. Some of this is because everything is all about the feels with them, and whichever way the wind is blowing.

    In their defense, many of them have had a crappy education, only get their information from sources that are largely opinion-pieces disguised as news, and many of them live in enclaves where everyone else thinks the same way they do.

    The good news is that CNN may soon lose it's strangle-hold on airport TV monitors.
