Monday, December 16, 2019


Back when I still drove, I cannot tell you the number of times I slowly and carefully drove on snow-covered roads and highways around here only to watch some moron pass me doing at or near the speed limit.  Whenever we're due for a serious snow, the very first piece of advice the Missouri Department of Transportation (known locally as MODOT) always gives us is, "If you don't absolutely have to be out in it, stay home."  The unspoken part of that is, "We're going to be pulling enough of you idiots out of ditches, medians and whatnot so how about you stay home and not make more work for us?  Deal?"


  1. To be fair to people in St.Louis, its the same situation up here in Winnipeg. Even though we get much more practice, the first snowfall always seems to take people by surprise and they forget how to drive.

    Yet I must admit there is a kind of curious delight that happens when many Canadians watch Americans seemingly lose it when there is a dusting of snow!

  2. In Winnipeg??

    In central North Carolina, schools close if a dusting of snow is forecast, and everyone rushes to the grocery store for bread and milk. And I don't drive during or after the snow until all the idiots have driven themselves into ditches and been hauled out again.
