Friday, December 13, 2019


I'm 64 years old, I haven't had a job since December 2012 and I'm not likely to have one ever again.  So excuse me if I have a real hard time getting bent out of shape about this.

Opponents of the Trump administration’s plan to break up the Washington, D.C., headquarters of the country’s public lands bureau are warning of a brain drain, saying many staffers who are being reassigned are opting to quit rather than move out West.


The Trump administration says the plan will save taxpayers millions of dollars, lead to better, faster decisions and trim a “top heavy” office in Washington. Moving the bureau out of Washington is a long-cherished goal of Western state politicians who cite the preponderance of public lands in their part of the country and their lack of access to decision-makers.

Yeah.  God forbid anyone should be intimately familiar with what they regulate.

Bernhardt has called for about 300 positions to be switched from Washington to other offices in 11 Western states, including Nevada, Arizona and Utah. About 25 will be going to the new headquarters in Grand Junction, Colorado.

I've been to Grand Junction several times.  Beautiful town.  If I had a reason to and enough money to do it, I'd relocate there the day before yesterday.

Several Democratic lawmakers and an organization of former land bureau employees, the Public Lands Foundation, are among those opposing the move. They argue that breaking up and moving the bureau’s headquarters staff across the American West would mean losing some of its most experienced employees.

Once again.  So?

Here's how actual grown-up, mature, adult life actually works.  When your job relocates, you do too.  If you don't like where it relocates, you quit your job and you find another.


1 comment:

  1. It really makes no sense at all to have the BLM headquartered in Washington, DC. The overwhelming acreage it manages is in the West.
