Wednesday, December 4, 2019


You can "identify" as a can of anchovies, a band saw or an Apple Brown Betty, for all anyone cares, but if you still have male junk, you're a man.  Sack up and deal with it.


  1. You are trying to use reason with an oblivious narcissist.

  2. A prizewinning Twitter response to this... er.... whatever was posted over at Insty:

    "You actually have two problems here. Number one, you have a dick. Number two, you ARE a dick."

  3. What parts, precisely, did Yaniv want the GYN to examine?

  4. How I have missed Apple Brown Betty!! I use that, BTW, when someone "overwhelms" me with the "the shooting happened because the gun was there" intonation. ("And people get Apple Brown Betty smeared on their faces at a potluck because the Apple Brown Betty was there." Hope you don't mind.)

  5. So is he just looking for someone to sue so he can have a big payday, like the couples who sue bakeries that won’t make them a wedding cake?

    Katherine is right. What exactly would the gynecologist examine?

  6. Best comment so far: "Where would you like this inserted?" with an image of a vaginal speculum.

  7. Yes, TLM, exactly! :-)

    It is possible for males to get breast cancer, but any internist can easily do that exam. Males taking male-suppressant hormones are in fact at a higher risk for cancer, according to a report I read somewhere. However, a GYN is trained to look for breast cancer in WOMEN. An oncologist would surely treat male breast cancer somewhat differently, starting with taking the guy off female hormones and restoring his normal hormone balance.

  8. Be my guest, Syb. Ever since I've been doing this, it's been part of the MCJ Stylebook that "Apple Brown Betty" will never not be funny.
