Friday, December 6, 2019


American journalism.  Always on top of the issues that truly matter to the American people.


  1. I expect that anything the president adds to his food must be differentiable for security reasons. (would you like some cyanide on your bacon and eggs, Mr. President?)

    I'm convinced that these people aren't crazy, they just think we are stupid.

  2. That makes some sense, as the article says, and it would explain why the salt and pepper the President uses look different from the rest. The idea that Trump would order his staff to give him larger shakers is preposterous.

    Both: I think they think we're stupid, and I also think they're crazy.

  3. "These people are crazy"

    Yesterday morning my husband was surfing the net on his iPad and stumbled across the NPR station in Elkhart/South Bend IN. Not sure how or why, but there was kind of an interesting story on live stream, so he kept in on long enough to listen to about an hour of Morning Edition. We don't normally listen to NPR for obvious reasons but every now and then we check it out. All I can say is, ho lee crap, those people are deranged. Literally EVERY story they tell, even if it's about farming, cars, left-handed transgender lesbians, etc. comes back to Orange Man Bad. The local news report did have a short segment about Mayor Buttplug's issues with Persons of Color, which was comparatively straightforward and didn't even get around to mentioning that he's gay, just in case anyone had forgotten....

  4. Yep, Elaine and TLM, just had a little problem with my evening cup of tea. :-)
