Wednesday, December 18, 2019



  1. She's not entirely wrong... Virtually all Democrats support abortion, which is strong sign of both a seared conscience and a high tolerance for stupid arguments.

    Of course, both parties consist of politicians, which is a major strike against them from the get-go.

  2. I suspect she quit practicing law because she was causing her firm to haemorrhage clients by mismanaging their cases. And I suspect she did that because she couldn't disentangle her feelz and her interests from an assessment of facts and law.

  3. Think we've been past the point at which cold civil war became hybrid warfare for some time now, and unless the rest of us get better at pushing back against the aggressors, and fast, it's only a matter of time before things blow. A wise friend thinks that will take a pocketbook issue, most likely when a big blue state and its enablers try to make the rest of us bail it out because they're "too big to fail". I suppose the pocketbook issue further enrages everyone at a general level, and some hot-button issue nut on one side or the other does something that triggers it. To be fervently prayed to be spared from, but I am not optimistic.

  4. Seem to have put the above post on the wrong thread. Sorry.

  5. I didn't know Rubin was an attorney. No sign of legal competence has emerged in her writings recently. Guess I'd better burn my bachelor's and MBA diplomas and throw away my Phi Beta Kappa key, since as a Trump supporter I'm not allowed to have any qualifications. The gap between the parties is indeed stunning -- but not in the way she means.

  6. Yes, the gap IS stunning, but not in the way that she means. I'm reading commentaries on Facebook that many Dems thought that if Trump was impeached he would 1. not only be immediately removed from office, but 2. that Hillary Clinton would become president.

  7. TLM, that's an indication that such people never took a Civics class, as we had to back in the dark ages when I was in high school. But how on earth do they think Hillary would succeed to the presidency?
