Thursday, December 5, 2019


Aristotle himself couldn't work his way through this "logic."  Some lefty broad tweeted this.

To the people trolling me and @GloriaSteinem because we said there is no democracy without a woman’s right to choose...I SAID WHAT I FUCKING SAID and you’re clueless if you think I’m going to take it back. My life *is* more important to me than an unborn fetus’ one. Suck on that.

And this.

You people are Pro birth. Not pro life. There are plenty of starving, homeless babies currently. Over 100k currently seeking foster care. You care about fetuses, Once they’re out the womb, you don’t give a fuck. Help the kids who are alive first, then call yourself “pro-life”

Suck on this, bitch.  If you're okay with slicin' em and dicin' em if you don't want 'em, it follows that you don't do any fostering yourself.  Why should you?  Bunch of kids running around, having to love them and take care of them.  Who needs that?  Why weren't they aborted?  And how exactly do we "help the kids who are alive first" if you don't think they should ever have been alive at all?

Bottom line: you think that killing them would be more "merciful" than letting them be born and getting a chance to rise above whatever their circumstances happen to be.  Really want to run with that?  Why not let them be born and live?  They're eventually going to die either way.

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