Tuesday, December 3, 2019


You do remember how well Hillary's "basket of deplorables" line worked for her, don't you?


  1. This guy is a self-righteous intolerant jerk. The perfect modern Episcopalian.

  2. Go, Katherine!! Thank you. Just hope no one gets any ideas of what the state of Indiana is like from him.

  3. He's an insipid character, someone so immersed in his particular subculture his conception of the world outside of it is caricature. Obama's the same sort of person. The thing is, Mayor Pete actually spent some time in the Army Reserve and has spent an important fraction of his life in a small city. Unlike BO, he was right up next to it and he still cannot figure it out. (The emotional and intellectual insularity may be one component of his failure as Mayor of South Bend).
