Friday, January 24, 2020


Pointless "church" issues worthless declaration.

The Organization of England has stated that sex belongs only within heterosexual marriage, and that sex in gay or straight civil partnerships “falls short of God’s purpose for human beings”.

Bishops have issued pastoral guidance in response to the recent introduction to mixed-sex civil partnerships, which says: “For Christians, marriage – that is, the lifelong union between a man and a woman, contracted with the making of vows – remains the proper context for sexual activity.”

The church “seeks to uphold that standard” in its approach to civil partnerships, and “to affirm the value of committed, sexually abstinent friendships” within such partnerships.

It adds: “Sexual relationships outside heterosexual marriage are regarded as falling short of God’s purpose for human beings.”

Content edited slightly.

Let me save you some time.  Somewhere or other, some "courageous" Organization of England vicar or other will "marry" two men, two women, two men and a woman, two women and a man, two men and two women, two men, two women and a tin of anchovies, two men, two women, a tin of anchovies and a belt sander, two men, two women, a tin of anchovies, a belt sander and a large jar of Marmite, etc. and some "courageous" bishop will back him/her up.

And nothing will happen.  This is the Organization of England after all.


  1. Wink, wink, nudge, nudge... as they glance over at their own gay partnered bishop.

  2. I am trying to understand what on Earth prodded the proclamation. Way back in 2003, I might have had cause for hope. But, now? ... nah

  3. Same here, rebel. If anything it just increases the embarrassment by so prominently underlining how completely the Organization has failed in every way to uphold these beliefs. If they'd just stay quiet, we might be able to forget for a little while.
