Thursday, January 30, 2020


In case any of you are still wondering, the only "fair trial" Egg McMuffin and all the rest of the anti-Trump hysterics will accept as "fair" is a "trial" in which Trump is convicted and removed from office.  Anything else is a sham, a fraud and a cover-up.

UPDATE: Egg, I'm thinking more along the lines of Trump committing an actual crime next time.  You know, like lying to a grand jury or something.  Oh, wait, IMPEACHED DEMOCRATIC PRESIDENT Bill Clinton already got away with that one.


  1. I never thought I'd see so many people who used to be conservatives or Republicans throw all their principles out the window because they don't like the Orange Man. Their principles turn out to have been imaginary.

  2. I never thought I'd see so many people who used to be conservatives or Republicans throw all their principles out the window because they don't like the Orange Man. Their principles turn out to have been imaginary.

    George W. Bush at this point in his tenure had an approval rating among Republicans of 89% per the Gallup Organization. That of Donald Trump is...88%. IIRC from exit poll results, there's an irreducible share of soi-disant Republicans who will cast a vote for the Democratic presidential candidate each year and it bounces around a set point of 9%. IOW, then as now, the bloc of dissatisfied Republicans is in its dimensions almost precisely the same size it always is. (Presumably, in normal times, it's a mix of people who dislike the administration for miscellaneous reasons and legacy Republicans who favor the Democratic Party generally - the Lincoln Chafee bloc). There IS no popular constituency for a specifically NeverTrump perspective. It's just a collection of publicists, half of whom seem to be on retainer with liberal media companies or liberal political donors (though some of them aren't getting more than crumbs). The ultimate motor appears to be vanity, which you can see spoken of here in faux clinical terms.

  3. Oh Lord did I really vote for this jerk??
