Thursday, January 30, 2020


Jenny Rubin should have a "Trump is worse than Hitler" thing up any day now.


  1. I'd be fascinated to know if John Podhoretz regrets having given her a berth at his publication.

  2. A "totalitarian" wouldn't be allowing this impeachment theater at all. The thought of Schiff, Nadler, and Pelosi in gulags is attractive, but we don't do that here. Rubin would be there with them if this were a totalitarian country.

  3. Right Katherine. I recall Kathy Shaidle: "If Bush is Hitler, why aren't you a lampshade?"

  4. I read an awful story by Wesley Smith about what a real totalitarian regime, the Chinese Communist Party, is doing to dissidents there. I didn't fully realize what they did to Falun Gong practitioners. Tens of thousands of them were killed for their organs, which were sold to people with the money to pay for them. Uighar Muslims in western China are in concentration camps by the million, and who knows what the horrors there are. Chinese Christians are about to be brutally suppressed by the facial recognition technology, which will cause them to be unable to work or to live. Talking about Trump as a "totalitarian" is inexcusably stupid.

  5. Saw a tweet requesting someone please rescue her cats when she flips all the way out or whatever. I get the joke, but I do wish people would stop thinking of cats as so much a leftoid passion. I totally love them, as did my late husband, as does Bro. And if anything, I think cats are much more suited temperamentally, in general, for conservatives than they are for leftoids. (Cats only here, though I understand without sharing it why people love dogs or both.) Silly/off-topic, but I think the shrieking-woman-yelling-at-white-cat memes are nothing short of hilarious.

  6. I believe Rubin has one of those husband thingys that some women find useful to have around. I think there might be children as well, so she's not the proverbial cat lady.

    Cats appeal to introverts, who may be Democrats or Republicans. Not sure, but it's my impression that introverts are more likely to vote Democratic.

  7. No idea why introverts would necessarily vote one way or the other.

  8. Art-- Late hubby and I both = introverts, as are almost all our friends. Dinners, even for 4 or 6, were pretty quiet, LOL-- though it was a totally relaxed kind of quiet, except for the extro sometimes present who kept trying to "liven things up", poor things. Most came to enjoy not having to be "on" occasionally....I think the voting patterns of intros probably vary a lot by profession, education level, etc etc. The intro/extro factor is probably not all that determinative. Maybe what I have thought was extreme extroversion among some in-your-face Dhims was instead some level of sociopathy LOL. (Joke. Maybe. But I was always especially glad to get home to the cats, LOL!)

  9. I'm the picture of "introvert" that you see next to the dictionary entry for "introvert" and there's no way in the world that I'd vote Democratic for any office, high or low.

  10. Ah Chris I wish he and you could have met, think you'd have had a blast together, the sound of bending elbows interspersed with exquisite one-liners. I'd have just pulled my chair up and chomped dark chocolate and sipped cabernet and enjoyed...

  11. No idea why introverts would necessarily vote one way or the other.

    Have no clue how 'more likely' gets transmogrified into 'necessarily' in your head.

  12. No idea why they would "more likely" vote one way or the other, either.
