Wednesday, January 22, 2020


Erick?  If you seriously believe that this crap:

Executive privilege should not apply in an impeachment trial. Close it to the public if need be and refrain from putting it in the open record. But all information should be on the table.

would improve anything at all, than I'm sorry but you shouldn't be allowed out in public unsupervised by adults.  Because we all know that political leaks NEVER occur.

Idiot.  These are pretty close to the stupidest words that you've ever written about anything.

1 comment:

  1. I wouldn't say that it's the stupidest thing he's said. It does take as a point of departure the notion that this impeachment proceeding was advanced in good faith, which is rather silly. Beyond that, though, it just sounds like a throwaway remark made without considering implications. As he did at one time have a law license, there isn't much excuse for that.

    Unless I've confused him with someone else, Erickson has dropped the NeverTrump palaver in favor of a TrumpSkepical pose.

    I recently saw a piece of survey research which indicated that Trump's favorability rating among self-identified Republicans is now 89%. In a presidential election, a certain share of self-identified Republicans will vote Democratic; the usual share is around 9%. So, let's guess that the NeverTrump contingent is the number of dissatisfied Republicans over baseline, which, as we speak, would be around 2% of the Republican electorate (or 1% of the general electorate). So it's somewhat more prevalent than vigorous adherents of the Libertarian Party. Amazing how many of these people you find in the media, all things considered.
