Friday, February 28, 2020


Racist deadbeat dad says what?

UPDATE: This turd is a "reporter" for Yahoo News.
UPDATE: Jay Inslee, the governor of Washington, is kind of a classless dick.

UPDATE: I'm going to need to hear both sides.


  1. Alexander Nazaryan is the Washington National Affairs correspondent for Yahoo. A former Newsweek staff writer, Nazaryan has written on politics, books and culture for the New York Times, Newsweek, the Washington Post, the Village Voice, the New Criterion, Salon, and many other publications

    Some of it is generational. Some of it's the market. You can't make much of a living in journalism anymore. So, the latter-day counterparts to those who had an interest in building a career in journalism ca. 1980 are today sorted into two sets: the better quality sort who build a career doing something else, and the dregs. This fellow Nazaryan is the dregs.
