Sunday, February 2, 2020


Nanner McBotox ain't taking the hit for this one.

The Senate vote Friday against permitting more testimony or documents in the impeachment trial did more than put President Trump on the fast track to acquittal, Nancy Pelosi says; it forced John Roberts into a bad place. "It is a sad day for America to see Senator McConnell humiliate the Chief Justice of the United States into presiding over a vote which rejected our nation’s judicial norms, precedents and institutions which uphold the Constitution and the rule of law," she tweeted on Saturday. The 51 votes against witnesses all came from Republicans, NBC reports, including Mitch McConnell, the majority leader. Had the Senate vote been 50-50, Roberts could have stepped in to break the tie. The chief justice ruled that out Friday, saying, "I think it would be inappropriate."


  1. Extensive clips and quotes from the depositions of House witnesses were played for the Senate. The House sent up a case without sufficient evidence of guilt, and without even a constitutionally valid offense charged. That's on Nancy.

    According to Ted Cruz, Warren's offensive question was instrumental in helping Lisa Murkowski and Lamar Alexander decide to vote against more witnesses. Nice job, Liz.

  2. Also, Schumer attempted to get Roberts to be the tie breaker if needed. Roberts refused, saying a unelected individual from a different branch had no business casting a vote in the Senate's business. So, if the tie had occurred, the motion would fail by rule.

    Yeah, Roberts. Nice try, Senator.
