Wednesday, February 5, 2020



  1. Another piece of evidence for the file marked "Possession of a JD degree is correlated with being bad at math". Real GDP grew at a rate of 2.2% per annum over the period running from q2 of 2009 to q1 of 2017. It's grown at a rate of 2.6% since q1 of 2017. I'm not sure to what I'd attribute that, but the headline numbers are certainly not what she says they are. Keep in mind that Obama's baseline is the trough of a disagreeable recession and Trump's is a point late in the recovery cycle.

    Just who is this racist-birther-misogynist honored? I know the cancer-stricken Rush Limbaugh will be receiving the Medal of Freedom. Is that her characterization of him?

  2. Another "conservative" phony snapping impotently from her spot on the garbage heap. I think people like her, Kristol, Will and Goldberg really do think that if they can just make the Bad Orange Man go away, everything will return to the way it used to be, and we'll listen respectfully and give them our money to look sober and dignified as they explain why it's really good that we're all becoming poor and miserable. Think again, Toots. You're NEVER going to be important to anyone, ever again.

  3. I think people like her, Kristol, Will and Goldberg really do think that if they can just make the Bad Orange Man go away, everything will return to the way it used to be, and we'll listen respectfully and give them our money to look sober and dignified as they explain why it's really good that we're all becoming poor and miserable. Think again, Toots. You're NEVER going to be important to anyone, ever again.

    When James Neuchterlein retired as editor of First Things in 2004, he offered as a partial explanation that he'd said everything he had to say. Neuchterlein is just three years older than Will, and likely has a net worth 1/20 th that of Will. The evolution of Will's writing over 15 years hasn't been embarrassing on the order of Jeffrey Hart's, but it hasn't improved his reputation as a perspicacious observer of the political scene. All of them made categorical statements in 2015 and 2016 that have been falsified by events and their response has been to double down. That tells us something we did not know about them before. (Rubin, I suspect, has always been astroturf).

  4. Yes, I believe Rubin is likely referring to Limbaugh. She's insane. It's possible to disagree with him and not be insane, but the racist-birther-misogynist bit is entirely untrue.


    Rubin's a fraud.
