Saturday, February 29, 2020


Democratic Party Steno Pool columnist lies through his teeth.

UPDATE: They're just making crap up now.  American "journalism" is to actual journalism what pro wrestling is to actual sports.


  1. And just like the "fine people" hoax, there are lots of idiots who will believe that's what he said.

  2. South Carolina has been called for Biden. This definitely looks like there'll be a brokered convention. The Democrats must be terrified - hence the bare-faced lying.

  3. There hasn't been a multi-ballot convention since 1952 and there hasn't been a truly brokered convention (guys in a smoke-filled room working out a compromise) since 1924. The minimum requirement for such a thing is three vigorous candidates. You've had a number of contests in recent decades where you had 3, 4, or 5 vigorous candidates. In only one case (Walter Mondale) did the principal competitor fail to win a majority of the delegates chosen in primaries and caucuses. (Gary Hart would have needed something approaching unanimous support from Jesse Jackson's delegates and the 'superdelegates' to take the nomination away from Mondale).

    It's a reasonable wager that Klobberherworkers, Booty-gag, and Princess Spreading Bull will be out of the race in a week. They're running low on cash and the survey research indicates that between the three of them they might win Minnesota and place in a set of New England states but otherwise do well to even show. Tulsi Gabbard is still making appearances, but hardly anyone's paying attention; she simply does not appeal to the Democratic Party id. The nutty Mr. Steyer is closing down his campaign. That leaves you with a maximum of three vigorous candidates.
