Saturday, February 22, 2020


Corrupt Illinois politician compares himself to Nelson Mandela.

Good Lord.


  1. I still like Trump and plan to vote for him, but what the Sam Hill was he thinking setting this guy loose years early? Blago was not just some innocent victim of an out of control federal government--he really was crooked as hell and did lasting damage to the state of IL. Trump must not be too concerned about winning votes in IL (not that he'd have any chance of winning the electoral vote but you never know).

  2. I agree with you, Elaine. Illinois is solid blue and it doesn't much matter what Trump does since he's not going to win anything there so maybe he's just writing the place off.

    But what the hell was he thinking?

  3. I suspect a bit of misdirection. This way, they can't claim that he is doing this just for his buddies.

    Besides, that crowd is constantly carping about how harsh American justice is. Be careful what you wish for.

  4. I read a piece somewhere speculating that Blago can testify against Obama, who was involved, they say, in the effort to sell off his Senate seat. Seems unlikely at this late date, however.

  5. Well, it's possible that Trump took pity on Blago because they know each other from Celebrity Apprentice and he figures Blago had already done more prison time than people who have done far worse. Plus I think he just wants to stick it to Comey and Mueller and their pal Patrick Fitzgerald.

  6. Elaine S., yeah, Blago was sentenced to more time than other sleazy people for similar offenses. I note that Trump did not pardon him, only commuted his sentence, which I think was much preferable to a pardon.
