Sunday, February 2, 2020


Is it just me or does anyone else find it hysterically funny when Cigar Store questions the "legitimacy" of anybody or anything?

"The question from Sen. Warren is for the House managers," Supreme Court Justice John Roberts, who is presiding over the trial, began.
"At a time when large majorities of Americans have lost faith in government, does the fact that the chief justice is presiding over an impeachment trial in which Republican senators have thus far refused to allow witnesses or evidence contribute to the loss of legitimacy of the chief justice, the Supreme Court, and the Constitution?" he read.
Just wondering.


  1. Democrats have never accepted the results of the 2016 election. This impeachment was an extension of their post-election tantrum and another effort to undermine our representative republic. If they, Warren or any of them, want to know who is trying to destroy the legitimacy of our institutions, they can just look in the mirror.

  2. Find it funny when I'm not finding it infuriating. Then again, there's the healing power of *and*.
