Friday, February 14, 2020


This is strange.  Senator Bernie Sanders (pictured here) and The Airhead have both introduced bills in the Senate and House, respectively, calling for the complete and total annihilation of the Mensheviks Democrats.

A bill introduced last week by Sen. Bernie Sanders that Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez helped craft would ban fracking nationwide by 2025, according to its newly unveiled text.

The legislation would immediately prevent federal agencies from issuing federal permits for expanded fracking, new fracking, new pipelines, new natural gas or oil export terminals and other gas and oil infrastructure.

Enjoy your $50.00-a-gallon gas, folks, and I hope your winters aren't too bad.  Of course, the tens of thousands of people who lose their jobs can always find work in the soon-to-be-burgeoning firewood industry.



  1. The irony of the anti-pipeline position is that New England gets to buy their natural gas from Russia.

  2. They don't think things through, Rebel.

  3. Burning firewood will be banned because of its carbon footprint. What they are saying is that you proles need to freeze in the winter and suffer heat distress in the summer just to satisfy their virtue signalling.
