Sunday, February 16, 2020


I think he knows deep down that he's not going to win this thing because Mikey augers in.  Folks in the comments at the link are ripping him two or three new ones.

Did you know that Mike's a billionaire from New York City?

UPDATE: From Mediaite.

Democratic president candidate Michael Bloomberg drew mockery from both sides of the ideological spectrum after a viral clip of him showed the billionaire media tycoon belittling farming at a 2016 business school talk and contrasting it with the “gray matter” necessary to work in the modern information economy.

Bloomberg’s 2016 comments during a sit-down discussion at Oxford’s Said Business School gained attention after a Twitter account with the handle, Pete Mentes, posted a one-minute snippet of the former New York City mayor — who has never farmed — claiming “I could teach anybody in this room” to be a farmer.

“It’s a process,” he went on to say, referring to the agrarian economy 300 years ago, “you dig a hole, you put a seed in, you put dirt on to, add water, up comes the corn.” He then said working in the modern information economy is “fundamentally different, because it’s built around replacing people with technology and the skill sets you need to learn are how to think and analyze and that is a whole degree level different, you need to have different skill set, you have to have a lot more gray matter.”

Combine this with what Bloomie said about taxing the poor for their own good and Bernie Sanders doesn't have a thing to worry about.

UPDATE: Mikey hits for the cycle.

UPDATE: Bloomie is CRUSHING it.



  1. Don't forget that when he heard that a female employees was pregnant, he asked her if she was "going to kill it."

    So, lets tally this up. Hates farmers. Hates the poor. Hates women.

    But other than that, he's a great guy.

  2. The arrogance in the statement is grotesque. I guess the Dunning-Kruger effect can apply to even the most accomplished individuals. It's one reason, among others, to not trust his judgment outside the realms in which he has prospered.

    Note, to partisan Democrats, that Trump had a vulgar conversation with Billy Bush (and made observations about how social life works that are quite unsurprising) is a reason to anathematize both men. (Bush's contract with NBC was torn up; his wife had served papers on him some weeks prior to the controversy, so the tape wasn't a proximate cause).

  3. It's hard to imagine he might actually think he will be elected, or nominated. He'll learn something, having stepped out of his cocoon.
