Wednesday, March 4, 2020


What happened to Cigar Store?  She not only didn't win her home state primary in Massachusetts, she finished third.  According  to Michael Graham of the Boston Herald, this is what happened.  As far as Cigar Store is concerned, at the end of the day, there is, to borrow a line from Gertrude Stein about Oakland, California, no there there.

Stop for a moment and savor with me the delicious schadenfreude of Sen. Warren’s faceplant of a POTUS campaign. However bad you hoped it might be — it was worse.

As a candidate for high public office, Liz Warren makes Martha Coakley look competent. As a champion of progressive politics, she’s done more damage than a bevy of Fox News hosts. As a representative of the quality of Massachusetts politicians she …

OK, she aced that.

How lousy is Liz Warren at running for POTUS?

Here’s former DNC chair Donna Brazile: “For Warren to come in third, or even second, in Massachusetts — that’s terrible.”

Here’s CNN liberal Dana Bash: “She lost to a man who never even campaigned in her state. She’s the senior senator in Massachusetts. … It’s an embarrassing defeat.”

And here’s the Boston Globe-Democrat: “She was, to my mind, the smartest, most exciting, inspiring, and best prepared presidential candidate since Barack Obama in 2008.” That was from a Globe columnist AFTER she lost her home state.

Week after week, defeat after defeat, the house organ of the Warren campaign kept cranking out pro-Liz agitprop. One Globe-Democrat reporter said after Liz’s New Hampshire defeat, “Warren’s done everything right!” And if you ignore the whole “getting people to vote for you” part, maybe she did.

Of course, the Globies are blaming Warren’s loss on sexism. And who’s more sexist than Massachusetts’ Democrats, right? Except maybe the misogynists of New Hampshire, Vermont and Maine — the other New England states where Warren’s campaign stunk up the joint.

With 94% of the vote reported late yesterday, Warren had won a total of 12 Massachusetts cities and townships. Out of 351. Ah, yes, those right-wing Democrats in Concord, Newton and Natick just couldn’t bring themselves to vote for a woman.

Can't add anything to all that.  I can only say that I'd like to think that Cigar Store's fundamental dishonesty may have played at least a little role in people's thinking.  After all, if you adopt a fake ethnicity to advance yourself professionally, if you spend years claiming this ethnicity only to have it blow up in your face, why should anyone trust anything else you say about anything at all?

UPDATE: Presented without comment except that it is, of course, Trump's fault.


  1. What's embarrassing, besides all that, is that the Globe promoted Warren so heavily. Her academic and personal frauds were on plain view. They wouldn't look.

  2. We won't have Liawatha to kick around anymore. She's dropping out of the race.

    She hasn't announced any plans to support either Biden or Sanders.

  3. Katherine, You're absolutely right about the Boston Glob.

    Howie Carr tweeted: The Glob is on "suicide watch."

  4. A recent poll (which I now can't locate) identified Warren's supporters as mostly college-educated white women - or basically the same kind of people she's most likely to encounter in Cambridge and the Three-L suburbs* to the west of Boston.

    *Three-L = "leafy, liberal and loaded."

  5. So will she endorse Biden so she’ll have a shot at being on the ticket as the VP candidate or will she endorse Bernie? Guess it depends on how much she wants to be on the ticket.

  6. She will never, ever go away. Like Jaws. Like Smidgeon. They just don't. Someone at I think Instapundit called her "America's Mother In Law". Dang, I wish I knew how to translate that into fakeindianese...

  7. Since Biden is increasingly mentally incompetent, someone (I can't remember where) suggested that he might make Barack Obama his running mate. Then the old gang could run the show again.

  8. Since Biden is increasingly mentally incompetent, someone (I can't remember where) suggested that he might make Barack Obama his running mate.

    Obama is constitutionally debarred from standing for the vice presidency.

  9. He's constitutionally barred from being elected President again. The 22nd Amendment doesn't say anything about his running for Vice President, having been President. If Biden died, he could become President, but not run for another term.

  10. On the update: Ah, a former Vox writer, displaying all the insight one would expect. Sure, Trump terrified Democrat voters into failing to nominate Warren. That's it.
