Sunday, March 1, 2020


New York Times columnist Tom Friedman finally and definitively proves that he doesn't understand the United States of America and never will.  Tommy's TDS is Stage 4 so he's suggesting a "national unity" approach which will guarantee Democratic victory.

What does Tommy propose?  Basically, he thinks that whoever the Democratic candidate finally turns out to be should promise to include every Democrat who recently ran for president in his cabinet.  There is far too much stupidity in Tommy's idea to extensively quote here so I'll just hit a couple of highlights.  Tommy wants this airhead to be the US ambassador to Turtle Bay.

“I am asking Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez to serve as our U.N. ambassador. Can you imagine how our international standing would improve with youth worldwide with her representing next-gen America?"

Since many modern young people, wherever they live, are, like her, dumber than a bag of hammers, and since the Useless Nations is as worthless an organization as it is possible to be, I can see this.  As the old saying goes, keep your friends close and your enemies closer, preferably all together in one Manhattan office complex which really could be put to better use.

A turtle refuge, say.  Or a big-ass synagogue/yeshiva complex.

But since this is a "national unity" ticket, we'll need a token Republican.  And every single person in America, regardless of party, thoroughly loves, respects and admires the completely-unprincipled junior suck-up senator from Utah.

“I am asking Mitt Romney to be my commerce secretary. He is the best person to promote American business and technology abroad — and it is vital that the public understands that my government will be representing all Americans, including Republicans."

Tommy?  You do know that Professional ConservatismTM frantically trying to convince the Republican base that Mitt was a genuine conservative is one of the many reasons Why You Got Trump, don't you?  As Mark Twain might say if he were still alive, "If you don't like Mitt Romney's position on abortion, wait a minute.  He's had them all."  But if the Democratic candidate takes Tommy's stupid advice, the Orange Man won't have a prayer.

If Bernie or Bloomberg or whoever emerges to head the Democratic ticket brings together such a team of rivals, I am confident it will defeat Trump in a landslide.

Tommy?  Look into the idea of strapping on the ol' pith helmet and visiting the United States some time.  You might find this country an interesting place.

UPDATE: I'm not liking Democratic chances this fall no matter what stupid crap you urge them to say there, Tommy boy.

UPDATE: REALLY think giving the Airhead the UN would be an electoral positive, Tommy?


  1. So, Buttplug is out of the race, as well as Tom St-naysayer. So will they get "no-show" jobs in this hypothetical administration?

    Steger would be a great asset, as his whole campaign message was, "Hate Trump, Hate Trump, Hate Trump."

    As for Buttplug, I wonder if the real object of his campaign was to trade his few delegates for an ambassadorship.

  2. Buttigieg needed to get out of South Bend. He'll get some kind of Democrat payoff for bailing out. However, because of early voting, he may get some delegates on Tuesday, further messing up the Democrats.

    On the update: AOC, like Buttigieg, is an intolerant bigot.

  3. What's notable about the Sulzberger Birdcage Liner is that even at the top of their game, their op-ed columnists were godawful.

  4. They still are (see Maureen Dowd).

    Dowd is amusing once in a blue moon. (I'm recalling the column she wrote about 20 years ago comparing the Clintons to Lucy and Ricky Ricardo. "They can never get out of each other's debt, emotionally or financially"). Dowd's predecessor was....Anna Quindlen.
