Monday, March 23, 2020


Chris Cilizza.  Your one-stop shop for the best pre-school-level "political analysis."

They don't have to when they've got people who "don't, uh, recognize borders" carrying them across.  You lefties think that insouciantly tossing out inane bumper stickers like that one constitutes a serious contribution to the conversation.  You know, something along the lines of "What if they gave a Chinese Flu and nobody ended up with a job because the Democratic Party refused to pass a stimulus package that didn't include paying off the student loans of Gender Studies majors forced to work McDonald's drive-through windows just to put food on the table and all because of that pandemic that the Chinese caused and then relentlessly lied about?"


  1. The Dems don't want to pass the coronavirus bill unless Planned Parenthood is funded. As someone tweeted last week,, if PP goes unfunded, more lives will be saved than the Coronavirus kills.

  2. I've been calling it the kung flu since weeks before the press freaked out about it. I don't any more. Now it's "the lung march" (HT ace'o'spades)

    Hopefully the public has been primed sufficiently by the failure of RussiancollsionUcraineKavanaugh25thAmendmentYadaYada to start to realize what complete asshats the dems and the press have become.

  3. From Sen. Tom Cotton's twitter, this is what Dems want:

    1. Corporate pay statistics by race and race statistics for all corporate boards at companies receiving assistance
    2. Bailing out all current debt of postal service
    3. Required early voting
    4. Required same day voter registration
    5. 10k bailout for student loans
    6. For companies accepting assistance, 1/3 of board members must be chosen by workers
    7. Provisions on official time for union collective bargaining
    8. Full offset of airline emissions by 2025
    9. Greenhouse gas statistics for individual flights
    10. Retirement plans for community newspaper employees
    11. $15 minimum wage at companies receiving assistance
    12. Permanent paid leave at companies receiving assistance

    In short, a good deal of Elizabeth Warren's "plans." Look at #6 alone.

    This is beyond disgusting.
