Saturday, March 14, 2020


New York Times neo-monarchist reporter Erica Green ( just HATES it when "fascists" refuse to act all fascisty. 

#ThatsTheWayTheUnitedStatesIsSupposedToWorkKid  #TenthAmendmentRULES #ReadTheConstitutionSomeDamnedTime

UPDATE: One of the truly remarkable aspects of the Chinese Flu is the number of allegedly-intelligent people it has exposed who have absolutely no conception of how the government of the United States is supposed to work.


  1. We don't WANT a president to shut down local events. Sometimes we get annoyed with LOCAL officials who require cancellations.

  2. That we do. But if events have to be cancelled, better for local officials to cancel them since, at the end of the day, they're the ones who are directly responsible and accountable for any closures, if blame (or credit) is to be assigned.

  3. Local officials are responsible for the well-being of their own cities and towns. It's insane to ask that the CEO of the entire nation do this for every city and town. And you're right; these people have pretended for three years that Trump is a "fascist" and now complain because he's NOT.
