Thursday, March 5, 2020


Chuckie steps in it.  Big-time.

Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer appeared to threaten Trump-appointed Supreme Court Justices Brett Kavanaugh and Neil Gorsuch over their potential votes in the first abortion case before the Supreme Court with the new conservative majority, during a #MyRightMyDecision rally outside the Supreme Court on Wednesday.

“I want to tell you, Gorsuch, I want to tell you, Kavanaugh: You have released the whirlwind, and you will pay the price," Schumer said to a chorus of cheers. "You won't know what hit you if you go forward with these awful decisions."
Chuckie can't be serious, can he?  When his spin is this stupid and inept, that's really the only conclusion anyone can reasonably come to.
Schumer, instead of apologizing, doubled down on his rhetoric. His spokesman, Justin Goodman, even accused Roberts of bias for "misinterpreting" Schumer's statement. “Sen. Schumer’s comments were a reference to the political price Senate Republicans will pay for putting these justices on the court," Goodman claimed, though it's unmistakable that Schumer was threatening the justices he called out.
Let's seeMention two conservative justices by name. Don't mention the GOP at all.  Oh yeah, now I see it.  It should be perfectly obvious what Chuckie was referring to.
Give me a break.
If the times in which we live weren't bonkers, nobody would make anything of this.  Chuckie was among some of his Nazi friends and he let his brownshirt rhetoric get the better of him. 
No big deal.
But since we live in a time when Brett Kavanaugh becomes a sexual predator simply because some left-wingers want him to be and therefore declare him to be one, case closed, Chuckie gets no consideration at all.  If all this upsets him, have Chuckie complain to some leftist or other.
They rewrote the rulebook.  Chuckie can live with the new rules.

UPDATE: Chuckie triples down.

Chuckie? If you weren't making a threat, what difference does it make what words you used?  And how do you reconcile those words you shouldn't have used with all those Republicans "who are busy manufacturing outrage?" 

How can anyone "manufacture outrage" over nothing at all?

It's like I said before, Chuckie.  They're your rules now.  Deal with them.

UPDATE: They're not even pretending anymore.  Molly Hemingway on the sick, tasteless joke that the American news media has deliberately and intentionally turned itself into.


  1. Yes, and this is also after a crazed leftist tried to murder the House Republican leadership, and nearly succeeding in killing Steve Scalise. A former federal and state prosecutor, George Parry, writes, at The American Spectator, that Schumer's comments, threatening Justices by name while they were considering the case, meets the legal definition of obstruction of justice. Schumer was trying to influence the decision in a legal proceeding.

  2. A local scandal for you, Chris:

  3. Thanks, Katherine. I'd heard that Kimmy was in trouble for some time. The local media here has downplayed it so I guess there's a whole lot more there than I thought there was. I'll keep an eye on it.

  4. Even under the old rules, criticizing judicial decisions was okay, but threatening the judges was not okay. Schumer's essential nastiness is really showing here.
