Monday, March 9, 2020


Stealing one of Cigar Store's ideas, James Buchanan Sanders thinks that a second American civil war would be all kinds of fun.

2020 presidential candidate Sen. Bernie Sanders released a reproductive health care plan Saturday that promises to ban state regulations of abortion as the Supreme Court hears a case pertaining to the same issue.

The Vermont senator’s plan promises to not only codify Roe v. Wade and to undo “all the damage” that President Donald Trump has done through pro-life legislation, but also to ban Targeted Regulation of Abortion Providers (TRAP) laws.

There has been no time in the history of this country when women, especially Black women, have had the reproductive freedom and justice that they deserve,” Sanders tweeted Saturday. “In my administration, that will finally change.”

Sanders would “ban state Targeted Regulation of Abortion Providers (TRAP) laws that put undue and unnecessary burdens and regulations on doctors who provide abortion services, with the goal of restricting access.”

ASSUMING the Communist somehow gets the Democratic nomination,  ASSUMING the Communist somehow wins in November and ASSUMING the Communist somehow manages to push this abomination through the Congress...another civil war, Chris? 

Well yeah actually.

Before 1860, abolitionists were a definite minority.  Regarding chattel slavery, most people in this country took what might be called a "pro-choice" position.  That is, while they would never own slaves themselves and wanted state governments that reflected their views, they wouldn't dream of endangering the Union over this issue. 

The fact that I would never own a slave should mean absolutely nothing to you.  As long as you don't force me to support you, there is no reason at all why we can't share a nationality.

Along comes Henry Clay's Compromise of 1850 and its largely-unsuccessful attempt to turn the free states into slave catchers for the slave states.  It is one thing for you to hold a view that I find morally reprehensible.  It is quite another for you to get a law passed requiring me to participate, however indirectly, in your reprehensible morality.

Add to this the single worst piece of legislation in American history, the Democratic Party's Kansas-Nebraska Act, the unsuccessful attempt to by the federal government to legally guarantee that while Nebraska would eventually come in as a free state, Kansas would come in as a slave state.  To average Americans, the "slave power" was finally seen as a faction that must constantly be placated, constantly get its way.

Or else.

The American Civil War was the most inevitable war in the history of the world.

1 comment:

  1. It's looking like Bernie won't get the nomination, although it's not over yet. Meanwhile, is Geriatric Joe any better on this issue? My impression has been that there's very little daylight on abortion among leading Democrats.
