Wednesday, March 11, 2020



  1. At first I thought this was just a Twitter typo, but no, she said "patroning" twice. Odd.

  2. You never sound as dumb as when you deliberately set out to try to sound smart. You either are or you aren't.

  3. Of course, I did buy a case of Corona Light yesterday. I'd heard their sales were way down.

  4. There's a thought. Ought to get one myself, what with being cooped up in the apartment and stuff. I'll wander across the street in a couple of hours.

  5. You do understand that Corona is the PBR of Mexico? Mexicans laugh themselves silly over stupid gringos who think Corona is good beer. And then we stick a lime in the neck of the bottle. PT Barnum was right. You can sell anything to an American.

  6. The sad thing is that for once AOC was right, despite her misuse of language. Apparently people did stop going to Chinese restaurants when news of the virus hit, which is entirely stupid unless the restaurant had staff who'd just returned from China. Here in the Research Triangle of North Carolina, we're considerably more at risk from Biogen employees who attended a conference in Boston in February.

    We have supplies on hand to survive for a couple of weeks of isolation if necessary. We're theoretically at higher risk because of our age, but we're in good health, praise God, and if we got the virus it would likely be non-fatal.

    I just wish I knew if this is unnecessary hysteria. Obviously, efforts to keep this thing out of nursing homes are important.

  7. which is entirely stupid unless the restaurant had staff who'd just returned from China.

    And why would you assume they didn't? I cannot over the last 50 years ever having been in a Chinese restaurant where most of the staff weren't speaking in a foreign tongue or speaking with a pronounced accent.

    Most of us get along fine from week to week not eating what's served at Chinese restaurants, so I'm not seeing how it's 'entirely stupid' to refrain for some weeks.

  8. You do understand that Corona is the PBR of Mexico? Mexicans laugh themselves silly over stupid gringos who think Corona is good beer. And then we stick a lime in the neck of the bottle. PT Barnum was right. You can sell anything to an American.

    Screw you.

  9. Dude, try a Pacifico. Much, much better.

  10. If I still drank, it wouldn't much matter to me what Corona was or wasn't as I tended to take a utilitarian view of hooch. It had one job.

  11. That sounds like assuming that my local Italian restaurant is now unsafe because some of the owners' cousins in Italy may be ill.
