Tuesday, March 3, 2020


Lay off Cigar Store.


  1. She's a senator from Massachusetts, yet she didn't even carry the state. She came in third, and not even a close third.

  2. I see where the Deep Staters that occupy what was once Marse Robert's home town have succeeded in raising Joe Biden from the dead.

  3. Will kinda miss making up names for her....but maybe shouldn't assume she won't be on the ticket.....hope someone (I lack the technical skill) photoshops her face onto the shrieking broad yelling at white cat meme, with a fake feather in her hair. The white cat wouldn't even have to be saying anything back-- that expression is perfect, LOL

  4. OT but delicious--looks like it's all over but the shouting WRT Israeli election, and bigly. No one puts Bibi in a corner 8)

  5. PS-- men of some years here, take note-- he's 70, paunchy, combed-over, and still can look smokin' hot speaking exhausted at 0200. It's the spirit that matters.

  6. Sybil,
    We will always remember her as Princess Spreading Bull.

  7. Sybil,

    I've seen pictures of Netanyahu when he was a commando in the Israeli army, and he was hotter than a two-dollar pistol with the numbers filed off.

  8. TLM-- LOL....my best way of putting it WRT Bibi is that he's so hot, the sand fuses into glass where he walks.....Gotta get the pic of him (standing by an IDF Strike Eagle, I think, probably after a ride in it, the way he's grinning) in the sweaty flight suit, which pic was probably taken in his early/1st term as PM, and figure out how to make it my screensaver, LOL.....the Sayaret Matkal pics I think you may be thinking of were, off and on over the Obama years, twinned with pics of Smidgeon at the same relative age, often waving a joint around, with hilarious captions. Still hilarious, worth looking up. My fave: "We totally drew the short straw". Well, OK, that's the Bibi Girl talking. Best was probably: "Obama smoked dope. Bibi smoked terrorists."

    Looks like Spreading Bull is going to stay around for awhile. Getting pathetic. Maybe I should be "man" enough to feel a little sorry for her, but...

  9. No, I don't feel sorry for Princess Spreading Bull. She's been spreading bull for much of her academic career, and of course it's even worse since she was elected to the Senate. She has this coming.
