Saturday, March 21, 2020


(1) I don't know or care how other evangelicals, real or imagined, feel but as far as I'm concerned, it comes down to this.  We're all "morally bankrupt," Sulu.  Even you.  "For all have sinned and come short of the glory of God."  That's kind of why Jesus had to come into the world.

(2) Since we're all morally bankrupt, we are also aware, or at least we should be, that the president of the United States is most emphatically not and never will be this country's Presiding Bishop.  He is the USA's First Civil Servant or its First Government Employee, if you like.  And that's all.  Donald Trump is a sinner just like EVERY SINGLE OTHER PRESIDENT THIS COUNTRY HAS EVER HAD, starting with George Washington.

(3) Your tweet implies that you think Democrats are moral paragons which seems more than a little odd to this evangelical considering that it was a Democrat who threw this country's Japanese-American citizens into concentration camps simply because of how they looked.  A smidge racist, if you ask me, but I guess not all that surprising given that the Ku Klux Klan was basically the Democratic Party's paramilitary organization for many decades.

(4) By the way, Jesus never much cared for people who enjoyed thanking God that they were not as other men are and I guess He still doesn't.  Just a quick heads-up.


  1. The best metaphor I've seen lately has been 'evangelicals hired a bodyguard and liberals complain they didn't hire a pastor'. The pecksniffery of liberals is grating, as always.

  2. Pecksniffery. Glorious!

  3. There is an old saying that the enemy of my enemy is my friend. Evangelicals know that Donald Trump's misuse of wealth, power, and sex is sinful. But when the choice is Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton, we will choose the candidate the will nominate conservative judges, support Israel, and try to restrain the culture wars. Even if we have to hold our nose.

  4. And, this year, show me how Joe Biden is in any way superior to Donald Trump as a leader for the nation.

  5. That's pretty much where I'm at. I did not initially support Trump, indeed, I hated the very idea of him becoming president (I was a Cruz guy and still am). But unlike the left and ultra NeverTrumpoids like Charming Billy Kristol, Lil Ricky Wilson or Jenny the R00b, I know that not every American election turns out the way you want it to so I resolved to evaluate Trump on his results. And I haven't been disappointed so far. The Israeli embassy move convinced me that for the first time in a very long time, here was a Republican who was going to actually accomplish something and who actually meant what he claimed to believe.

  6. For me, the same applies for Gov. Cuomo, since there is beginning to be talk of a switcheroo at the convention, assuming there is a convention. He's already on record as saying that Trump has met his every request, and they're sitting on a real mess in NYC. I don't know why the mayor's office would be in charge of ordering emergency supplies; maybe for publicly owned hospitals, if there are some of those? Anyhow, the NY Post says orders were placed only two weeks ago, and now the useless De Blasio is complaining that deaths in NYC are going to be Trump's fault.

    Be glad you are in quarantine in suburban St. Louis County and not in NYC.
