Monday, March 30, 2020


Maybe it's just me but I can't read this tweet without thinking that Gam-Gam currently feels something very much like...delight.  Even hard-left Democrats like California governor Gavin Newsom or New York governor Andrew Cuomo can find good words to say about the effort Donald Trump is putting in to stopping the Chinese Flu and I'd like to think that if the Trump Administration found a way through this morass, two of the most delighted people in the world would be Governors Cuomo and Newsom.

Hillary, on the other hand, does nothing but snark.  Anything Trump or anyone in his administration says or doesn't say is wrong whereas the Chinese are always right and always believed.  I get the distinct impression that a couple hundred thousand dead Americans wouldn't bother the old fraud that much.  Not only did the United States refuse to automatically grant her the presidency that was obviously and rightfully hers but it actually made her...shudder...campaign for the position among the...shudder...deplorables who not only wouldn't vote for her (still don't feel like walking back that remark, H?) but made her lose to...shudder...Donald Trump.

Serves 'em right.

Kind of why I supported Trump last time even though I passionately hated the idea (I was a Cruz man until Trump's nomination back in '16).  Not only were her policies leftist cartoons but Hillary Clinton was and remains one of the most vile and repulsive political figures either party has ever put forward for office in this country's history.  She has no accomplishments of her own, the only thing that got her the Senate seat from New York was who she was married to and books describing her "thought" are completely worthless, useful only to start a fire in your fireplace.

As previously mentioned, not all Democrats hate Donald Trump with the psychotic hatred Hillary can effortlessly work up.  A hatred that revolts against any sort of approval of Donald Trump, can make dead Americans serve its evil purpose and will quite happily back an obviously and relentlessly lying government in preference to her own.

"Traitor" is a smidge too harsh of a term.  But "useful idiot" fits.

UPDATE: Gam-Gam's not the only Democratic leftist positively giddy about the prospect of hundreds of thousands of dead Americans just to own Trump. #MeetBeijingJenny


  1. Put Nancy Pelosi in the "disgusting" category along with Hillary. She is the ranking leader of the Democrat party, and just accused Trump of killing Americans. Nauseating.

  2. Does Rubin actually think that if a Democrat were president, nobody would be dying from the Wuhan virus? Magical thinking, kind of like Joe Biden promising to cure cancer.

  3. Wisconsin state Rep. Gae Magnafici, (R) tweeted "More people have died from knowing Hillary."

  4. Heh, TLM, although probably an overstatement of the Clinton death toll.

  5. Meanwhile here in Illinois, Gov. Jabba the Pritzker can't let a single daily coronavirus briefing go by without getting in some dig at how Trump has allegedly screwed the pooch while he, of course, is doing everything he can to save the day. It's gotten to the point that I actually prefer watching Cuomo's daily pressers.

    As you probably have guessed, the majority of IL cases are from the Chicago metro area, but we do have more than a dozen in my county and about a dozen more "under investigation". Originally my husband thought this was all bull crap but now he's being even more strict/paranoid than me about cleaning, social distancing, etc., since we don't want to get sick.

    Since Chicago is fast becoming a COVID hotspot I wonder when the states surrounding IL will start closing their borders. I would bet on Wisconsin being the first if there are lots of Chicagoans fleeing to their summer cabins. Guess that notion you had last year of Missouri establishing refugee camps for disgruntled Illinoisans is off the table by now....

  6. Not as far as I'm concerned, Elaine. :-)

  7. Elaine, I'll bet people downstate will be directing unpleasant looks at fleeing Chicagoans.

  8. "People downstate will be directing unpleasant looks at fleeing Chicagoans"

    Except that most Chicagoans probably won't flee to downstate. If they have second homes or cabins they generally have them in WI or MI. Unless they are from downstate or have family there, most of them would probably rather eat a hot dog smothered in ketchup, or root for the Cardinals, than try to ride out a disaster anywhere south of I-80.

    Meanwhile I did spot a news story today about the resort areas like Door County WI and Traverse City MI saying they don't want too many Chicagoans camping out there because their hospitals won't be able to handle the load if they get sick.

  9. Yeah, Egypt should cut itself loose from the pernicious influence of Mike Madigan, J. B. Fat and the rest of the Cook County Mafia.


  10. Yeah, Egypt should cut itself loose from the pernicious influence of Mike Madigan, J. B. Fat and the rest of the Cook County Mafia.

    1. Have seven counties in northeast Illinois and two in northwest Indiana form a new state.

    2. Transfer Rock Island County to Iowa

    3. Transfer Jackson, Clay, and Platte Counties to Kansas.

    4. The remaining territory has somewhat north of 8 million people (around the population of Virginia). It revolves around greater St. Louis (where > 20% of the population is to be found), but is not demographically dominated by it. It has about 15 small cities.

  11. Art Deco, re: #3. Um, do you mean to Kentucky? There'd be quite a commute to Kansas.

  12. Art Deco, re: #3. Um, do you mean to Kentucky? There'd be quite a commute to Kansas.

    All three counties are on the Kansas-Missouri border, so I've no clue why you'd transfer them to Kentucky.

  13. #1 and #2 refer to Illinois; it seemed reasonable to assume you were still talking about Illinois, and not shifting without notice to Missouri. Jackson and Clay Counties do exist in Illinois, but not Platte, of course.

  14. Know what, Art? Kansas would declare war on Missouri before it would take in Jackson County. #BorderWarTwoThisTimeItsPersonal

  15. Kansas would declare war on Missouri before it would take in Jackson County. #BorderWarTwoThisTimeItsPersonal

    Wyandotte County, Kan. has income levels about 25% lower than Jackson County, Mo. Are they going to shovel it over the border?
