Monday, March 16, 2020


And the Communist Chinese liars are sticking to it.

I hope Donald Trump and particularly American business understands something.  The relationship between this country and Communist China cannot possibly resume on a wait-six-months-and-then-pretend-like-absolutely-nothing-happened basis. 

The Communist Chinese have killed people.

Maybe it was an accident; accidents happen, you know.  That they do.  And if Communist China had just admitted that the Chinese Flu got away from them, we wouldn't be having this conversation.  But as long as Peking persists with this moo goo gai crap story of theirs about how this is all the fault of the United States, political and business relations between our two countries cannot automatically go back to the way they were before all this broke.

A price must be paid.  And Peking has got to pay it.


  1. No way to impose a price on them. Is a reminder that China's a sinister country with all sorts of unreasonable and occult resentments. The future of the world with China as it's premier power is anxiety provoking.

  2. I have read an analysis by Charlie Martin at PJ Media which suggests convincingly that the virus most likely came out of the seafood market and not from the bio research lab. He's probably right. Pretending that it came instead from the US Army is really insane.

    My husband spent a decade warning top management in a large multinational corporation against reflexive investment in Chinese manufacturing locations because it was "low cost." They'll steal your technology, he warned, undercut you, and then raise prices. That's what happened, pretty much.

    Communists are evil and are not trustworthy.

  3. Not saying we can hit them all that hard, Arthur, or that they would even admit it if we could. After all, if they're not going to fess up to being responsible for the deaths of thousands of innocent Chinese and non-Chinese people, they're certainly not going to publicly care if American business does as President Trump suggested and comes up with alternatives to buying stuff from China. But we have to do something, whatever the Chinese do or don't admit, or this will happen again.

    With possibly a lot more lethal results.

  4. Ditto, Chris. Just glad we have a President now who does know how to fight.
