Saturday, March 28, 2020



  1. Heh. Trump has appointed John Voight and Mike Huckabee to the Kennedy Center board.

  2. Katherine-- glorious!! And I need a laugh, having just got released from an emergency 2-day hospitalization and surgery and now having to also go to follow-up appts in 2-3 weeks. (Tried to ride things out, in this time of Wuflu, but knew that pain was too sudden and too bad to be tummy flu, didn't want to ask anyone to risk exposure to me or to the hospital to take me in, so went, at the 4 hour mark. Got there, didn't get stopped for Driving While Barfing LOL, gall bladder is gone and labs acceptable again, no drain to eff with, and Hillary Clinton is still not President....Voight and Huckabee will make all the right people shriek like startled robins or triggered femrads. NIIIIIIIIIIIIII-ni-ni-ni-ni-ni! 2 funny

  3. Glad to hear you came through that okay, Syb. Take care and take it easy.

  4. Thanks Chris. It was indeed very nasty but is providing many good oatmeal(gag!!), Lent, and supererrogation (sp?) jokes. And plans to soon substitute a tub of rolled oats, for the plastic bag of cornstarch which also performs way fun launched from a potato cannon, in said potato cannon. (Oat fragments should embed in the tree bark on impact, thus cache-ing some food for Lady Thatcher the wren, making it a 2-fer...) You take care too.

  5. Sybil,
    Sorry to hear about your emergency surgery. Hope your follow-ups go well.

    Now, amid all the angry tweeting about how bad this $25MM to the KC is, remember that the original Dem plan was to give them $35MM, plus all those "Green Deal" add-ons that were cut right out.

    Yeah, Trump threw them a bone, knowing that Voight and Huckabee will be looking into these things going forward. As someone else tweeted on the captioned thread, Trump's playing 5D chess.

  6. TLM-- thanks for the good wishes. And the post!

  7. sybil, my husband had his gallbladder out, emergency surgery, about five years ago. He's doing well, not even any noticeable dietary problems (although he was never big on very spicy food to begin with). I hope your recovery will also be smooth!

  8. Thanks, Katherine. I don't even like very spicy foods, or meat much at all, so it's the prospect of less cheese and butter and whole milk that I dread.....And am a bit nervous about the spot on the chest Xray (labelled as "Artifact", ie flaw, but has to be repeated in 3 months, especially given all my sister's cancer). But there are people with real (and already materialized) problems, as the saying goes. Like those poor drs and nurses and techs etc! I tried to thank them all for what they do at all times and especially these days. At least Smidgeon is gone. Well, out of office. He, like Jaws, will never, ever go away....

  9. sybil, we went keto about three years ago. This involves eating cheese and butter and cream, and he handles that just fine. You'll just have to see what bothers you and what doesn't. I did persuade him to take a probiotic daily, on the theory that it would help his touchy stomach. Try one with lactobacillus; that's what you get if you eat yogurt. I take a four-strain bacteria type; husband can't handle it. Neither one of us has been very ill since we started it.

  10. Katherine, thanks for the info. Nurses said it would be trial and error too. I don't do keto, but do use whole milk and butter and cheese and eggs (and walnuts or honeyroasted peanuts) for most of my protein, so what you say about his experience is encouraging. I don't use supplements of any kind and would prefer not to start, but will keep what you said in mind. Right now the acid reflux is acting up, despite my having taken my daily Rx for it this morning, but hopefully that's just a "too much going on down there lately" thing and will pass...Am aware yogurt can be beneficial to tummies in many ways, but... but... *yogurt* %( LOL. Thanks.
