Sunday, March 8, 2020


What is "Because anyone with a single functional brain cell left in their heads knows that Cigar Store's 'plans' would destroy the American economy as we have known it and plunge the world into an economic downturn from which it might never recover in any of our lifetimes?"

Donald Trump has a plan for nothing. So why did voters reject the candidate who has a plan for, well, everything?

In her year-plus on the campaign trail, Sen. Elizabeth Warren met hundreds of little girls and told them the same thing: “I’m running for president because that’s what girls do.” She would then have them make a “pinky promise” to remember that.

On Thursday, after disappointing performances in the early states and on Super Tuesday — including a third-place finish in her home state — the Massachusetts Democrat announced her exit from the 2020 presidential race, according to multiple reports. But that pinky promise is something that women and girls across the country will remember, even as the White House continues to elude them. One woman — Tulsi Gabbard — is still in the race, of the group of six women once vying for the Democratic nomination. But Warren, who at one moment was considered among the strongest contenders for the nomination, has dropped out.

NARRATOR: In your dreams.  Cigar Store's campaign was positively Hillaryesque.
Warren, 70, was perhaps the most competent candidate in the race, even if former Vice President Joe Biden is running as the most qualified.

To anyone who has absolutely no clue how money or taxes work.

She released dozens upon dozens of detailed policy proposals on a litany of issues throughout her campaign.

Every single one of them stupid.

“Warren has a plan for that” became a familiar refrain.

Which cost Cigar Store votes every time she opened her maize hole.

UPDATE:  Yeah.  Sure.  As long as we're pushing idiotic, brain-dead ideas, let's replace Lincoln's Mount Rushmore visage with James Buchanan's.


  1. It's actually the same plan 17x over.

    1. Appropriate people's resources

    2. Hire more people from occupational guilds I fancy ("leave no social worker behind").

    3. Make the cost of everything opaque.

  2. "perhaps the most competent candidate" was the one who gave this little talk:
