Tuesday, March 17, 2020


I'll take "Things That Never Happened" for $500, Alex.


  1. Even if it's true, good Lord!! Could we all just get over ourselves at least some??? (No, of course not, and especially not when "we" have Chicoms to shill for.) As tedious as they are dangerous, these betters of ours...

  2. No sense of humor. The joke is not "aimed at" Chinese-Americans. The virus clearly comes from Wuhan, China, made far worse by really bad decisions made by the Communist regime in attempts to cover it up and pretend it wasn't happening.

    "Kung Flu" is kind of funny. She should be happy she's here and not in Communist China.

  3. She was born in Xiamen, China, and raised in West Virginia, where she immigrated with her parents when she was 2 years old. She currently resides in Washington, D.C. with her husband and their daughter.

    He was for whatever reason permitted to emigrate ca. 1985. Cannot imagine what he was hired to do in West Virginia. I'm guessing an academic, a physician, or a mining engineer. His daughter, having spent > 90% of her life here, strikes these obnoxious poses like a pro. It will stop when the rest of society gets fed up and tells them to bugger off when they do this. The legal profession in anxious to postpone that day, because if there's no conflict, there's no interest.

  4. So she's leaping to the defense of a VIRUS? Geez, the enemy of my enemy and all that, but this is getting ridiculous!

  5. I can tell her what they're "calling it behind her back." The "Kung-Flu," that's what. It's a JOKE, lady. That what we Westerners do when we have serious bad things happen. We make black-humor jokes to try and get through it.
