Tuesday, April 28, 2020


Oh great.  Grandma's thanking God that she is not as other men are again.

Gam-Gam?  After you finish your public piety, I have a question.  We know that no one in American public life is more on fire for the Gospel than you are which you recently demonstrated by defiantly illustrating the thoroughly-Christian principle that "I was hungry and you made me wait for something to eat because the Kennedy Center needed money and the Republicans insisted that the stimulus bill be 'clean' or some such stupid crap as that."

I know that's not actually in there but emanations, penumbra and all that.

Anyway, since we're all doing Matthew 25 now, does that mean that the Democrats will no longer take any donations from Murder Inc. Planned Parenthood?  It's impossible to get any more "least of these" than the unborn, right?  Or will the Democrats continue with the Episcopalian "I was pregnant and you paid for my abortion" exegesis?

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