Thursday, April 16, 2020


Go ahead, Democrats.  Run against this.

It's no longer a question of whether our relationship with China changes. It's how much and how seriously it will change.  Because nobody with a functional brain cell left in their heads believes that any of this has only been Trump's fault.

UPDATE: The GOP is writing the ads as I type this, Nanner McBotox.  I gots to figger that those ads will contain testimony from all kinds of small businessmen and women whose businesses went under and more testimony from people drawing unemployment thanks to your party.

UPDATE: Arizona Democratic senator Krysten Sinema understands the danger.

UPDATE: I imagine that crap like this will come up a time or two.

UPDATE: Another Democrat breaks ranks.


  1. Do you mean "Princess Cookies 'N' Cream Vanderbilt Rothschild Pelosi?"

  2. That's the one. Ol' "Let Them Eat $13 Dollars A Pint Ice Cream." One and the same.
