Thursday, April 23, 2020


Back here, I speculated that very, very bad results would occur if taxpayers in other states were ever forced to spend their hard-earned money because or all the criminally-stupid financial decisions (or criminally stupid financial non-decisions, as the case may be) made by the Blue states over the years.  Charming Billy, on the other hand, is all-in for civil war.
Charming Billy, is, of course, dead wrong.  If you want to see how dead wrong Charming Billy is, read the comments to Charming Billy's tweet.  Lots and lots of remarks from Blue Staters about all the Red State idiots on which this country wastes all that tax money.  Those Blue Staters would be only too happy to see Red Staters raise the Stars and Bars and open up on Sumter again and they wouldn't waste their time or their money trying to keep those bigots onside.

Right now, this country is a lot of things but united isn't one of them.

1 comment:

  1. The NeverTrumpaloos have little of value to contribute to public discussion because their stock-in-trade is continual assertions that they were right back in 2016, details later. No one cares how Mona Charen feels about herself.

    That having been said, New York has a balanced budget provision in its state constitution, just like 48 other states. Some years ago (2011, IIRC) I had a gander at an assessment of public employee pension systems. The two states with the most actuarially sound systems at that time were New York and Wisconsin. New York allocates to the public sector more of its income stream. It's not necessarily more debt laden in relation to that stream.
