Monday, April 13, 2020


How's the Big Q treating you, Chris?  Not bad at all.  Since I lost my job in 2012, I've been living on an inheritance my father left his kids so there's not a lot of money coming in.  I don't have a car anymore (can't afford to keep one) and so my apartment is just across the street from a supermarket/pharmacy.  I'm still around so I guess I'm doing okay.

I spend most of my days in my apartment watching television and/or movies.  I wander across the street a few times a week, now and then changing my routine by walking to another market a little bit further up the street.   If I have to be somewhere farther away than that, I utilize Uber.  So for the last two and a half years or so, long before the Chinese Flu became a thing, I've had a completely different term for the Big Q.

Real life.

A couple of weeks ago, I got a gift from the folks who run this apartment complex about the Chinese Flu situation.  It was an e-mail that had to do with rent among other things.  It basically said that if you think you may have trouble making rent some month, give us a call and we'll see what we can work out which I thought was a very nice gesture for them to make.

Particularly since I didn't have to extort it from them.

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