Monday, April 6, 2020


The British prime minister is in intensive care.


  1. Poor Boris! I hope it's just "an abundance of caution", as they say, he being the Prime Minister and not wanting to take any chances so they've bundled him into hospital. But people who have to go to ICU tend to be in a bad way, so I really do hope he fights it off and comes through OK.

  2. Last I heard, Boris seems to be doing better.

  3. I'm glad he didn't have to go through the usual British NHS procedures, or he'd be sitting on a gurney in some hallway waiting to be seen by a doctor. It's good to hear that he's doing better.

    I like Boris, but I wish he'd stop using a balloon to comb his hair (but that's a story for another day.)

  4. Unless they're lying their tuchus off, they haven't put him on mechanical ventilation. The preliminary data on men his age indicates that if he doesn't need the ventilation, his chances of dying in the ICU are shy of 20%. If he does, they're around 65%. And they may be lying their tuchus off; he'll be 'stable' or 'improving' until he's redeployed to a standard-issue ward or until he dies. Keeping him in mind, of course. Unlike his five most recent predecessors, I don't think he's readily replaceable.

  5. Right now, Boris has been transferred to a regular ward for the time being, and let's hope he stays there until they're ready to send him home. Things for which to be grateful.

  6. they haven't put him on mechanical ventilation

    I, too, am reading that the intubation required by modern ventilators is pretty traumatic & quite often does more harm than good, especially amongst us older folk. I have instructed my family that if I wind up in the ICU, ixnay on the ventilator.

    I can't help but wonder what was the efficacy of the old iron lung compared with the modern ventilator.
