Saturday, April 18, 2020


The bill for your Chinese Flu is coming due, Beijing.

The UK is moving to drop Huawei as a vendor for the country’s 5G cellphone network in a major blow to Communist China over poor coronavirus transparency.

Prime Minister Boris Johnson, now recovering from COVID-19, gave the Chinese company a role in 5G infrastructure this year, squashing opposition last month by 24 votes in the 650-seat House of Commons.

But now, concern about the Chinese Communist Party’s inaccurate reporting on the coronavirus has lawmakers crafting plans for a retreat.

“We need to devise a proper, realistic exit strategy from relying on Huawei,” Conservative Member of Parliament Damian Green told Bloomberg News. “Our telecom providers … need to know the government is determined to drive down Huawei’s involvement to zero percent over a realistic timescale.”

It isn't just us, Beijing.  This time, you've managed to piss off lots of other people.

UPDATE: When you lose Germany...


  1. Lesson learned, Boris. The ChiComs cannot be trusted on health, or in business, or on any other matter.

  2. This may save the Five Eyes intelligence liaison arrangement. New Zealand may still be squirrely about it, though.
