Monday, April 13, 2020


Former news outlet officially becomes Democratic Party pamphlet.

UPDATE: Then there's this.
Alternate headline. Times Editor Becomes Journo-Whore
UPDATE: Ace sticks a fork in Dean Baquet.  Insofar as both have become sick jokes, Dean and his "newspaper" are done.
UPDATE: Why bother with "journalism" at all when you can run Chinese propaganda?


  1. They hired Glenn Thrush, who was caught in the Wikileaks business of allowing DNC officials to vet his Politico copy before he filed it. This is the way the latest Sulzberger scion wants to run the paper. If the rest of the shareholders don't put him out on his a**, it's on them. They did this to themselves.

  2. Just think what the Democratic Party Steno Pool coverage would be like if some woman, credible or not, claims that Donald Trump had allegedly done the same thing to her that Biden allegedly did to Reade. And then think what kind of mental contortions Baquet would have to put himself through to explain the light-years-wide difference in the DPSP's coverage of the two stories.

    I'm at the point now where I'll believe pretty much any random blogger long before I'll believe any representative of Sulzberger's little newsletter. And that isn't anywhere near a joke.

  3. There was a certain amount of coverage of E. Jean Carroll. The thing is, the story she told was outlandish and she let slip under questioning that she entertains rape fantasies. Also, there's no question that Tara Reade worked in Biden's office. Jean Carroll and her husband did once cross paths with the Trumps on a receiving line but there is no indication they were otherwise acquainted. (In re Christine Blasey Fraud, there is no evidence that she ever met anyone present at the gathering to which she referred bar her pal Leland Ingham Keyser, who has no memory of the supposed gathering. Each person she named does appear in Mark Gauvreau Judge's published memoir).
