Monday, April 20, 2020


So Illinois Democrats gotta Illinois Democrat.

Illinois Democrats are demanding $41 billion from the federal government for coronavirus relief, including $10 billion for Illinois's cash-strapped and underfunded public pension plan. The most fiscally mismanaged state in the union that has criminally neglected funding its public pension fund for two decades wants Washington to pull its chestnuts out of the fire?


“I realize I’ve asked for a lot, but this is an unprecedented situation, and we face the reality that there likely will be additional, unanticipated costs that could result in future requests for assistance,” Harmon wrote on behalf of the state senate Democratic caucus.

Of course there will be.  These are Democrats, after all, and they ALWAYS need more money.

Harmon’s federal wish list for the second phase of federal coronavirus relief includes $15 billion in block grant funding to shore up the state’s spending plans for this fiscal year and the next two.

"Block grant" means "Give us $15 billion and don't you dare ask us what we spend it on."

The Oak Park Democrat also asked for $10 billion for the state’s desperately underfunded pension plans.

Any port in a storm.  Mike Madigan, Illinois' Cardinal Richelieu, and his morbidly-obese sock puppet pretended not to know anything about it.

Governor J.D. Pritzker played dumb about the request.

Harmon’s spokesman said the letter was shared with Pritzker and Illinois House Speaker Michael Madigan, though they weren’t directly involved in drafting it.

At the governor’s daily coronavirus briefing Saturday, Pritzker distanced himself from Harmon’s requests, saying he “was not aware of the content of the letter” before it was sent.

“There’s no reason why a senate president in Illinois can’t send a letter to the delegation. I don’t object to people communicating with our federal representatives. I do it all the time,” Pritzker said.

Even though they obviously did.

“It’s different than what I have been talking to the federal representatives about,” [Pritzker] continued. “I really believe the state’s need to have some unencumbered dollars [see "block grant" discussion above. - Ed] that come in that will help us with the coming year’s budget — every state has this problem."

Illinois Democrats will now have to lie in the bed that they and they alone made.

There should be no bailout of the public pension fund in Illinois. For two decades, that has seen Democrats largely in control, the state refused to fully fund its pension system. Now, with the stock market in the toilet and the shortfall becoming critical, the bill for Illinois politicians' criminal negligence and shady dealing is coming due.

I don't think this idea has a chance in hell of ever happening; the Republicans can't possibly be this stupid.  The idea that anyone might seriously believe that they could possibly ever sell the idea that taxpayers in other states should be expected to foot the bill for Illinois' criminal stupidity is too ludicrous to seriously entertain for longer than a few seconds.

Unless the Republicans really do have a death wish.


  1. Good old "let them eat ice cream" Pelosi is using her power in the House to get whatever idiocies through that she possibly can.

    Voters need to throw Democrats out of office.

  2. Unfortunately, Pelosi represents the second smallest and second wealthiest congressional district in the US. Her constituents probably love her.
