Sunday, May 24, 2020


Every now and then, Twitter more than justifies its ridiculous existence.  This guy just came up with the single most beautifully-succinct explanation for shrieking, hysterical, NeverTrumpian batcrappery that I've ever seen, declaring Jonah Goldberg "a concession speech Republican."

Dead solid perfect.

UPDATE: Impotent NeverTrumpian gargoyle Dave French stamps his feet in frustration.

UPDATE: "So what?  I didn't want to go to the stupid prom anyway."

UPDATE: Circling the drain.

UPDATE:  Nope.  No, there's not.


  1. Goldberg has retreated into a cave and is busy blocking the entrance. It's been very sad to watch. A mind, as they say, is a terrible thing to waste.

  2. Gave up on him a long time ago, when he started waxing especially obnoxious on the subject of any of us who don't like dogs. Good grief. I mean, I'm a bit skeptical of people who don't like cats, and think there may be something wrong with people who hate them, but I've never carried on like that. Way back, he was entertaining in a goofy fratboy kind of way, and obviously has or had the mind to waste. Pity. Sleepy meow, LOL

  3. I love dogs, but I don't dunk on people who don't like them or are scared of them. I love cats, too, but alas, I have discovered I am moderately allergic to them, so I can't have them living with me any more.

    Love Chris's updates, and especially Mollie Hemingway's comment. It's the performance of the press which has been "indefensible and grotesque" over the past three to four years and more.
