Sunday, May 10, 2020


Cali?  This is not sustainable and you know it.

So Cali basically met its goal only to have state "leadership" invent new goals that, best case scenario, might be a year away?  Good luck selling that TBD crap, what with all those Californians having bills to pay, food and fuel to buy or businesses that they've put a lot of work into and really would like keep running, assuming those businesses even still exist. 

And here's the kicker, Sacramento.  Those jobs and businesses that are gone are probably not coming back.  With those Sac Town morons fighting you every step of the way, who'd be stupid enough to locate a business in California?  Unless you're an economic illiterate or something.

UPDATE: Might be starting already, Cali.  And this one is pretty good.


  1. Newsom wants California to commit economic suicide for an unachievable goal. The virus is out there. Sick old people are going to get it and die. Every effort should be made to keep it out of places where sick old people live, but the idea that testing and contact tracing at this point is going to eliminate the virus in California is a pipe dream (maybe literally).

    Democrats who keep heading down this road are committing electoral suicide as well. Californians are getting angry.

  2. Gone, and the revenue they provide in taxes is gone too. Which makes me wonder, just how do you provide First World medical care with a Third World economy? I'm sure we all remember the dazzling leaps forward in medical research and treatment during the 1930s. Why, heart transplants were so common back then, they handed out coupons for them to trick-or-treaters.

  3. Cali will be fun to watch what with these guys

    still being a going concern.

  4. Chris, Check out the dust up between California & Elon Musk. I don't know how to add links or I would do it myself.

  5. Meanwhile Captain Sour Grapes (Kristol) is spinning some weird fantasy scenarios:

  6. I've heard about that, ur. One can only hope that Musk is the first of many (he's probably the most prominent of many).

  7. I have friends in northern Cal. One is a childhood friend who moved away when we were both in HS and wound up in El Dorado county. She's an extremely moderate Democrat. Another friend is a teacher who lives in Yuba County. He's a conservative and he's getting the hell out of Dodge as soon as he can manage it.

  8. The last five years have been an education about Kristol and people in his immediate circle. He seemed like an ordinary Republican pundit. Now we know his baselines are quite different from his public presentation over the period running from 1991 to 2015. Anti-semites associated with palaeo and Sailerite outfits have long maintained that his priority was Israel, but we can see that isn't the case, either.
